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Message from Zhilao Hu (DaoLin):
<c> I am always in for some fun.
I rather like to lose an interesting game
than to win a dull one.
As a
for your last two moves:
-only playing m2 is better,
vulgar atari
(you heard this term many times from me in the course) only strengthens white a little bit,
as a
-if you cannot capture something due to the atari or have another very special reason for atari-ing,
don't play atari!
Of course, there is also a downside for me: if I lose these stones later, I will have lost 2 stones instead of one. However, as mentioned before, I do not see an immediate capture.
Concluding: white has profited a tiny bit (aji) by this atari.
If you were always avoiding the
vulgar atari
your playing strength is raised dramatically.
Check this out:
Common mistakes
Black wins by resignation
(SGF-Move 33)
Move 211: Resign
Move 210: h14
Move 209: j13
Move 208: q17
Move 207: p17
Move 206: j15
Move 205: g18
Move 204: m15
Move 203: n18
Move 202: n15
Move 187: k16
Move 172: h4
Move 157: h11
Move 142: j7
Move 127: b9
Move 112: d11
Move 97: m13
Move 82: p12
Move 67: q7
Move 52: l4
Move 51: m5
Move 50: m16
Move 49: k15
Move 48: o7
Move 47: p7
Move 46: r6
Move 45: p6
Move 44: q6
Move 43: s3
Move 42: o6
Move 41: p5
Move 40: q5
Move 39: p4
Move 38: r4
Move 37: r5
Move 36: m2
Move 35: n5
Move 34: m4
Move 33: p3
Move 32: n2
Move 31: m3
Move 30: n3
Move 29: q3
Move 28: o5
Move 27: n4
Move 26: o4
Move 25: o3
Move 24: k3
Move 23: b7
Move 22: b6
Move 5: r14
(H) Move 4: d16
(H) Move 3: q16
(H) Move 2: q4
(H) Move 1: d4
Levent (palladium)
2 kyu (+17%)
Zhilao Hu (DaoLin)
3 dan (-34%)
Ruleset: Japanese, Rated: No, Handicap: 4, Komi: 6.5
Time limit: J: 30d + 1d * 10
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