Dragon Go Server
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Frequently Asked Questions
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search only in original english FAQ (in case of untranslated entries)
Dragon Introduction
What is this place?
Dragon etiquette
How to behave on the server?
How should the resources provided by DGS be used responsibly?
Is it okay to wish someone "good luck" when starting a new game?
Can I use aids while playing a game?
Can I seek help during play?
How do I file a complaint?
Dragon site access
How do I log in to my account?
How do I log out of my account?
I forgot my password. What can I do?
Why are cookies needed?
What is my user access quota?
I'm blocked from accessing DGS. What can I do?
How do I log in to my account faster?
Go rules
Where can I learn to play Go?
What are the basic rules of Go?
Which ruleset is used on Dragon?
Where can I learn more about a particular rule?
How can I get a teaching game?
Dragon games
What are the items on the Status page?
What are the items on the Games page?
How can I change the order of the status games?
How can I order the status games by a customized priority?
What are Observed games?
How can I find fair-komi games?
How can I add a game review (SGF) for a game?
How can I find game reviews (SGFs) attached to games?
What is the meaning of the two-colored stones icon in my running games list?
What are the items on the game-info page?
What are all those items on the page showing a single game?
Will Dragon notify me when it is my turn?
How do I know that there are hidden or secret game comments?
Can I reject a win of a game?
Dragon game setup
How do I start a new game?
How can I invite a friend to a game?
How can I add a new game offer in the waiting room?
How can I delete my game offer from the waiting room?
How to start a fair-komi game?
What are the items on the Waiting room page?
What are the items for a game offer?
What types are there for a game offer?
What is shown in the Settings column in the waiting room?
What does a red background in the waiting room mean?
How many games can I start at the same time?
How can I prevent that the same user joins my game offer more than once?
Why is my game not rated?
What does handicap mean?
Where are (standard) handicap stones placed?
What is the difference between conventional and proper handicap?
What is an even game with nigiri?
What is a double game?
What is a fair-komi game?
Can I start a game with the same settings of an existing game?
Can I start a game by uploading a SGF?
Dragon game playing
How do I make moves in my game?
Can I make moves by entering a sequence of moves as a list?
Can I submit moves by email?
Can I undo a move?
Where can I store private notes about one of my games?
Can I communicate with my opponent?
Can I download a SGF from a game?
How can I view SGF files?
How can I store text in the SGF?
How do I delete a running game?
How do I end a game?
How can I remove dead stones at the end of a game?
What do small green or red squares mean at the end of a game?
Dragon multi-player-games
What is a multi-player-game?
What is Team-Go?
What is Zen-Go?
What is Rengo and Pair-Go?
What are the rules for a multi-player-game?
How can I talk to other players in a multi-player-game?
How can I create a new multi-player-game?
How can I manage a multi-player-game?
How can I find my multi-player-games in setup-mode?
What are the items in the list of participating players for multi-player-games?
How can I find players for my multi-player-game?
How can I invite a specific player to my multi-player-game?
How can I offer my multi-player-game in the waiting-room?
How can I remove a joined player from my multi-player-game?
How can I make teams / groups for my multi-player-game?
How can I choose the handicap and komi for my multi-player-game?
How can I set the order of players in my multi-player-game?
How can I start my multi-player-game?
How can I delete a multi-player-game?
How can I play a multi-player-game with a shared team-account?
How to play a multi-player-game?
How much time do I have in a multi-player-game?
How can I resign a multi-player-game?
How can I find multi-player-games?
How can I recognize a multi-player-game?
Why does my multi-player-game not appear in my game lists?
Dragon shape games
What is a shape-game?
What are the items on the Shapes page?
What are all those items on the page showing a single shape?
How can I create a shape or game-board?
How can I create a game board in the forums or messages?
How can I start a shape-game?
What happens with running shape-games when I change the shape?
How can I create a goban with the Goban Editor?
How can I edit a goban in the Goban Editor?
Are there examples of game boards?
Dragon users
What are the items on the Users page?
Why are some users not listed in the User list?
How can I see who is currently online on the server?
Dragon user preferences
What are the items on the User info page?
What are all the items in the user profile page?
Why does Dragon want to know my email address?
I set the wrong language and can't find my way back now. What can I do?
Why can't I edit the sleeping time in my user profile?
How can I change the default number of rows for table lists?
What are Email notifications?
What does a user's "activity" mean?
What does a user's "percent" mean?
What is a user's hero %?
Can the last N game moves be marked or numbered somehow?
Can I delete my account and are inactive userprofiles removed?
Dragon contacts
What are Contacts?
What are the items on the Contacts page?
How can I add a user to my contact list?
How can I remove a user from my contact list?
Can I prevent certain users from joining my waiting room games?
Can I automatically reject messages from certain users?
Can I automatically reject game invitations from certain users?
Dragon community features
How can I communicate with other users?
What are the items on the Forums page?
What are the items on a forums Thread overview page?
What are the items on a forums Thread reading page?
Dragon messaging
What are private messages?
What are Message folders?
What are the items on the Messages page?
What are all those items on the page showing a single message?
Why doesn't Dragon tell me my opponent's email address?
Dragon menus and options
What are the items on the Statistics page?
Are there any key shortcuts defined on Dragon?
What are Bookmarks?
What are Bulletins?
What are Search Profiles?
What are Templates?
How to save a template?
How to use a template?
How can I hide or show columns in table listings?
How can I change the order of table listings?
Can I mark a row to get a better orientation in big tables?
Dragon ranks and ratings
How do I set my DGS rating?
I am new at Dragon. Which initial rank should I enter?
What if I have no idea what my initial DGS rating should be?
Does it matter, if I start with a wrong initial rating?
Is there a Rank converter?
How does Dragon's rating system work?
Does the board size impact the ratings?
Does it matter, if I win by 0.5 points, 100 points, resign or time-out?
What happens with my rating on a draw (jigo)?
Which games will affect my rating?
What does the rating-column in the user list mean?
What does + or - after a rating mean?
Why do some new users get a fractional rating?
What does the blue area in the rating graph mean?
Dragon time features
How does Dragon count time?
What is main time?
When are my game clocks counted down?
Does my opponent's clock count down when my clock is paused?
Can I submit a move while my game clock is paused?
What is Dragon's weekend clock?
How does the Japanese byo-yomi time system work?
How does the Canadian byo-yomi time system work?
How does the Fischer time system work?
What is sleeping time or night time?
What time zone is used for my sleeping time?
Why did my game clock jump 9 hours down within 10 minutes?
How does sleeping time affect Fischer time?
What are vacation days?
How many vacation days do I have at Dragon?
Why is the use of vacation days limited?
Can I add time to my opponent's game clock?
Can I add time to my own game clock?
Can a timed-out game be revived?
Dragon searching
Can I search Dragon?
How can I search the FAQ / Help page?
How can I search in the waiting room?
How can I search my messages?
How can I search for users?
How can I find a certain user?
How can I search in my contact list?
How can I search games?
How can I search the forums?
How can I search for the most recent forum entries?
What is a full-text search?
How can I do a full-text search?
What is the syntax of a NUM-filter?
What is the syntax of a TEXT-filter?
What is the syntax of a RATING-filter?
What is the syntax of a SCORE-filter?
What is the syntax of a DATE-filter?
What is the syntax of a RELDATE-filter?
What is the syntax of a MATCHINDEX-filter?
Dragon codes and markup
Can I use HTML tags on Dragon?
Which HTML tags can I use on Dragon?
Which Dragon tags can I use?
How can I create a link to an arbitrary Dragon page?
How can I create a link to a users info page?
How can I create a link to send a message to a user?
How can I create a link to a game?
How can I make a link open a new window?
How can I embed images in texts?
How can I create a game diagram?
Dragon icons and images
General icons
Table-listing icons
Game icons
Game board images
User icons
Message icons
Forum icons
FAQ-editor icons
Learning and teaching
How can I get stronger?
What is The Go Teacher?
What are bots?
Should I declare a bot?
Which bots are active on DGS?
Dragon tournaments
Can I start or organize a tournament?
Are there tournaments maintained directly on Dragon?
Dragon alternative interfaces
Request limitations of alternative interfaces
Does Dragon support RSS?
Does Dragon support WAP?
Does Dragon have a robot interface?
Does Dragon support GTP or GMP?
What's new in the last update?
Overview of release DGS 1.0.15 (08-June-2012)
Overview of release DGS 1.0.14 (14-December-2008)
Overview of release DGS 1.0.13 (07-October-2007)
Code improvements and recommendations
Former updates
Known bugs
Dragon development
Can I suggest a new feature?
Can I become a Dragon translator?
Can I become a Dragon developer?
Is Dragon's source code available?
Where is the development of Dragon's source code being discussed?
What is the Devel Dragon Go Server?
Who are the people behind Dragon?
Dragon bugs and problems
How to report a problem or a bug?
Are all bugs discussed in the FAQ?
Duplicated messages and Duplicated posts
Connection to database failed. Too many connections
I'm swarmed! There are bugs everywhere!
Dragon administration
Some common Go terms
I found a go term not listed in the FAQ. What does it mean?
Byo-yomi / Byoyomi
Even game
Where can I find more Go web pages?
Show the whole FAQ in one page
Dragon Go Server
Version 1.20.5
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Sat, 2025-03-29 01:18 GMT
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